Saturday, January 5, 2013

And so it starts....................

Well Danny is finally in Kansas.  We hope he has a wonderful life ahead of him.  That's what we want for him. 

We attempted release of our little pigeon that came in burned on her crown.  She said "no".  She could have cared less about the other pigeons in the area.  She wanted to stay with us.  So I found a place for her to live the rest of her life with a non-releasable Eurasion Collared dove, so she'll have a friend.  She went to Moab, Utah.  We are very happy for her.

Our newest Golden eagle from Clarks Valley, Utah
We have a new Golden eagle with us.  This guy is an adult and came from Carbon county and has been shot, so we have another open case with law enforcement.  The bullet went through his left wing and into his body.  This broke his wing fracturing the left ulna.

We also took in a new Ferruginous hawk, this one is a male and from the same area we get all of our Ferruginous hawks, the 4-corners area of Utah.  He had an impact with a vehicle.  I can't find any broken bones but this guy tangled with a vehicle, so I'm sure he's pretty sore.  I'm hoping we may be dealing with minor issues, soft tissue injury, for example.

Our newest little Screech owl had an x-ray the other day as we took several patients up to our vets office for x-rays.  Little Avon, as we are calling her, doesn't have any broken bones, but she still needs to see our veterinary eye specialist as there is damage, to what degree, the appointment will let us know.  She does have one laceration to her right eye, but there is more.  She is now eating on her own. 

Jim has been busy as well, with wildlife issues in Utah and Salt Lake county.  That guy is amazing!
Connie and Jim at our vets office in Payson, Utah
He met us at the vets office with our Red-Tail hawk that he has been holding while her bones heal.  Now, she is in the flight, building her endurance for release.  We are hoping she can be released sometime this coming week.  We are so happy for her.

Feathered brothers and sisters, you came to us broken and as you bled…….we saw you desperate, dehydrated, desiccated, diseased, distressed, emaciated, famished, frayed, frightened, helpless, hungry, ragged, ravenous, shaken, shocked, shot, sickly, stressed, stunned, tattered, thirsty, traumatized, torn, weary and wounded. Defiantly, you stood us off with your last breath as we tried to tend to you. We saw you come in as cute, naked, fuzzy, cuddly youth, as mischievous, defiant adolescents, as fierce, regal rulers of the sky and as cunning, maimed elders whose time on earth was almost done. You endeared yourselves to us, bit us, charmed us, footed us, delighted us, hissed at us, talked to us, mantled at us, and graced us with your presence.

Some of you mended and were able to go on your way, never looking back. Some of you were injured in ways that prevented you from going, so you stayed with us to teach us…….And we came to love you. Others were too far gone, and you went home - where you fly free from pain with the Great One. All of you have touched us, and we are changed because of you.

used with permission by Arlene Powers

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