We managed to get Zuma to the vet's office today in Payson, Utah. I also took up Cleopatra, the golden that went through a windshield with no visible problems. Zuma's wing looks a bit better, but there is still some edema in that wing where the injury took place. The vet said he believes with some time, possibly a year, it will resolve and stabilize. My concern is for Zuma's comfort. We will have to watch him closely for any signs of pain or depression related to his inability to fly up to perches. His desire to stay alive is what I'm most concerned for. As long as he's willing to try, so are we.
Cleo, has several issues as to why we took her to the vets. I wanted to confirm my findings that she has no broken bones and I was right. So this is good. She does have some swelling in one ear canal with bruising, I'm sure related to the collision. She seems to be having some difficulty, not much, but Connie had noticed some balance issues. This could be related to the ear problem. The vet speculated it could also be a residual problem from the West Nile Virus she had 3 years earlier. I don't think that is the case. She showed none of these signs prior to her release back then and believe me, we look for those things with West Nile. He took some blood and x-rays. Part of the blood work is also looking for heavy metal toxicity. This could also explain a 'balance' problem. Better just rule it out from the start. I also had him perform some other tests for overall health issues. She also had a skin scraping done and a skin biopsy sent out for analysis.
She has something going on with her skin. It looks very 'crusty' and uncomfortable. Not sure what it is....but I hope the biopsy will tell us something since the skin scraping did not.
She's eating well and has a lot of fight in her.
Since the last posting we also took in a Big Brown bat. He was weak and couldn't fly. We hydrated
Our 5 rock squirrels are much bigger now
We have two new baby rock squirrels. I've included their pictures with this post. They are both little girls. What sweeties. They are currently getting 5 feedings a day of formula and eating a little solid food on their own. When we introduced them to the bigger rock squirrels, well, they
We've taken in numerous songbirds, mostly cat attack victims but others are orphans due to their nest falling or them falling out OF their nest.
When taking the 2 eagles to the vet's office today, we released the two Magpie's, both together in Spanish Fork Canyon. We (and they) sure pissed off a couple of robins almost immediately.
Well, it looks like we may have found a home for
Last, but not least, we took in another golden eagle last week. This one came from the 'Needles' area of eastern Utah. It's a baby, and the nest was somewhere in some high cliffs, so we can't get him back into the nest. I'll most likely get him x-rayed as well, just to confirm he didn't break anything falling out of the nest. He has a wonderful disposition.
Folks, remember, everything we do for these creatures takes money so any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks to Jimmy and Eva for your support. You guys are great!
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