Shortly after the Eared Grebe situation, a Common Loon was also grounded. We took her out to Desert Lake as well. Diane, a volunteer we have mentioned in the past,
went with me and released her.
She was the only Loon out there at that time.
Diane and I stayed and watched the birds for awhile.
Something I forget to do much anymore; sit and enjoy the birds!
We also had a Red Tail Hawk come in from Moab.
This poor little guy had ate something large in one gulp and it became stuck in his crop.
As a result of it not moving out of there, it became rotten and he became septic and very thin.
We fixed him right up and got that critter to move out of his crop and then gradually began to feed him cleaned red meat, with no bones or fur to make it easier to digest.
He finally started to get stronger and along with some antibiotics and subcutaneous fluids every day, started to put on weight. After several days, we moved him into the flight and got him strong again and he was released yesterday. I don't have pictures since Tony Wright, a Wildlife biologist that bands our birds, did the honors as he was headed that way. I hope the Red-Tail remembers to take little bites in the future!
We also released Crash, our Bald Eagle. What a spectacular event.
The last post was of the television coverage of the event.
There is a video attached to that link.
Crash flew like a champ!
The weather was perfect.
I don't know if he'll hang around Utah or chose to move north.
I hope he avoids
roads in the future.
I think we have placement for the two non-releasable owls, Teasdale and Aretha. If all goes as planned, Aretha will be heading to North Carolina to live as a foster mom for orphaned babies.
Teasdale will be going to an education facility in Wyoming. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
We still need to have Willow's eye removed. I am going to have her looked at by our vet's in Salt Lake that take care of our eye problems and confirm that she still needs it removed and then work on getting that taken care of.
Well, there are more stories of new patients, but they will have to wait for another post. Sorry,
time for sleep!
Remember to go to our Face Book page at Second Chance Wildlife Rehabilitation!
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