Friday, May 25, 2012

More babies...finches and sparrows

Here are some pictures of some, just some of our orphaned nestlings.  One group is House finches, the other is House sparrows aka English sparrows.  We are also feeding nestling Starlings and Magpie's.

We have lost several Starlings due to people feeding them inappropriate food, THEN calling us while dying.  Very heartbreaking and completely preventable.  If you find a bird needing help, call your wildlife department immediately.  They can't go without appropriate food for very long.  Leave it to the professionals and NOT that friend of yours that lives with a pet bird and thinks they know everything about all birds; even a veterinarian doesn't know everything about birds and most know virtually nothing about birds as this requires extra schooling and most are eager to finish with school and since there are no laws preventing any veterinarian from working with birds, despite of their lack of knowledge. Wildlife rehabbers are professionals regarding wildlife.  They stand a better chance of survival with one of us.

Feathered brothers and sisters, you came to us broken and as you bled…….we saw you desperate, dehydrated, desiccated, diseased, distressed, emaciated, famished, frayed, frightened, helpless, hungry, ragged, ravenous, shaken, shocked, shot, sickly, stressed, stunned, tattered, thirsty, traumatized, torn, weary and wounded. Defiantly, you stood us off with your last breath as we tried to tend to you. We saw you come in as cute, naked, fuzzy, cuddly youth, as mischievous, defiant adolescents, as fierce, regal rulers of the sky and as cunning, maimed elders whose time on earth was almost done. You endeared yourselves to us, bit us, charmed us, footed us, delighted us, hissed at us, talked to us, mantled at us, and graced us with your presence.

Some of you mended and were able to go on your way, never looking back. Some of you were injured in ways that prevented you from going, so you stayed with us to teach us…….And we came to love you. Others were too far gone, and you went home - where you fly free from pain with the Great One. All of you have touched us, and we are changed because of you.

used with permission by Arlene Powers

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