Well the Prairie falcon, Arie, is doing well and has been moved outside full-time now. His weight is staying up nicely. We're just waiting to see if that traumatized area regrows new feathers. Those feathers are crucial for his survival in the wild. So in the meantime, he's just hanging out and happy we are not having to catch him everyday to move him outside and inside (and so are we)!
Remember, falcons bite!
As for the bunny situation, I met Carmen from Best Friends in Green River, Utah as she was driving back from Wisconsin, visiting her family over the holidays, on her way back to Kanab, Utah, and sent the bunny with her to hang out with their bunny in the same situation. I think their going to be just fine and then get a chance at being free and wild sometime in the spring. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another reminder, PEOPLE, don't bring home wildlife and make them pets! If you find something orphaned, call you wildlife department if you don't know of a licensed wildlife rehabilitator yourself. DON'T take something to the 'lady down the street who LOVES animals' either, ONLY a licensed wildlife rehabilitator has the skills and training to keep it wild while helping it! There, I've said my piece, once again! I hate fixing screw ups that are preventable!
Now, for the new stuff.
We got in a female Northern Flicker about a week ago. These guys are just beautiful. They are a woodpecker. We have several species of woodpeckers here in Utah. This poor little girl tangled with something big, as her injuries were just horrible. Her left wing and leg were broken
We also got in a new eagle. She is an adult Golden that came out of Emery county, not far from where I live. She was found in the County dump. She has several different injuries.
We started her on medications for infection and pain. We also took her into my vet's office to have that foot x-rayed. There are no broken bones in that foot, but there is soft tissue damage. Now, do we have tendons or ligaments involved? Only time will tell as the foot and a couple of the toes are swollen. Today, we moved her outside for the daytime. She is not eating willingly either. This could be for a number of reasons, so I'm not too concerned at this point. We will just keep pushing the food down her until she takes it willingly.
We also got in a new robin today. This bird was found by a gal in Provo, Utah while taking a drive up Provo canyon. She noticed something and pulled over to see a Raven attacking this robin. The Raven flew off as she pulled over and she picked up the robin and realised she was in bad shape.
Enjoy the pictures included with today's post!
Thanks everyone,
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