Hello everyone. Well here in Utah things are all frozen. I don't remember the last time I saw the sun and anything above 31* seems down right balmy!
Well, the new Prairie falcon is doing well. I am concerned, however, that he isn't putting on and
His wounds are healing nicely. We'll have to wait and see if feathers regrow over the injured area. Of course, that will determine his releasability.
DWR also brought us a cottontail that was
confiscated from some people that had been keeping it as a pet for the last two years. Idiots!
I could choke some of these guys. They CREATED the problem, you don't THANK them, you
We also had a Belted Kingfisher come in a few weeks ago. What a beautiful bird.
She was drowning in freezing water when we got her. We focused on getting her body temperature up and hydrating her with warm fluids; this will also get the kidneys working harder to flush the body of the contaminants that are now absorbing into her skin.
She lasted two days, but finally died. She tried so hard, but the huge onslaught was just too much.
Things are slower as they should be this time of year. Last year at this time, it was crazy!
I have a meeting this Tuesday with the state DWR . Their policies regarding what they will and won't do to support us has become so insane that it requires a face-to-face meeting. They should be ashamed of themselves. They lie and contradict themselves over and over and when they are confronted by someone, well, you're the bad guy. But since I can speak a little more freely than most other rehabilitators, I will. I hope I accomplish something, but if history has anything to say about it, well, things will stay the same, maybe with one or two less rehabilitators however.
Keep you fingers crossed for all of us,
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